Pollyanna offers two Community Assessment models: the Constituent Assessment and the Communications / DEIB Assessment. Each is designed to conduct deep analysis and provide clear recommendations for supporting inclusive environments.


Constituent Assessments

Pollyanna believes that strong communities are built upon a foundation of practices that promote inclusion and belonging for all members across various constituencies. If a school or organization wishes to investigate ways in which they can become even more inclusive and welcoming, a Constituent Assessment consists of a customized online survey, focus groups, and individual conversations for community members.  

Pollyanna will examine and evaluate with great depth the information that has been collected, accurately organize findings, and present a clear and concise report that identifies emergent themes and makes related recommendations to help the school or organization build a community based on inclusion and belonging.


Communications/DEIB Assessments

We offer a comprehensive approach if you seek external experts to review communications materials and processes and make recommendations for improvement. The overarching goal is to ensure that marketing and communications are inclusive of all members of the school community.

Pollyanna will evaluate school publications, websites, marketing materials, etc., and provide honest and actionable feedback.


Contact us to learn more about our Assessments.

Contact us to learn more about
our Cross-Constituent Assessments